30s Britain Vol 3: King's Stamp DVD
30s Britain Vol 3: King's Stamp DVD

30s Britain Vol 3: King's Stamp DVD

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DVD Region 0 PAL.

The King's Stamp (1935, b/w with colour). Directed by William Coldstream. The designing and printing of the King George V Silver Jubilee stamp, followed by a short history of postage stamps. The Fairy of the Phone (1936). Directed by William Coldstream. A fanciful comedy on how to use the telephone. News for the Navy (1937). Directed by Norman McLaren. Following a package from letter box to delivery to HMS Incredible in Bermuda. N or NW (1937). Directed by Len Lye. The importance of correctly addressing a letter of apology. Roadways (1937). Directed by Stuart Legg and William Coldstream. The history of transport, especially the growth in road traffic. The Horsey Mail (1938). Directed by Pat Jackson. The mail is delivered by boat when part of East Norfolk is hit by floods. Mony a Pickle (1939). Produced by Alberto Cavalcanti. The Post Office Savings Bank is a natural target for Scottish thrift. Nine for Six (1939). A telegram saves the day when a football team loses its only ball just before a match.

FORMAT: PAL DVD All Regions - aspect ratio 1.33:1 - b/w

TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 91 mins, b/w.